California Studies Association

The latest news, events, and perspectives from the CSA

The Green New Deal for the North Bay

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A unique grassroots commission began its work last night in San Rafael.  Media activist and author Norman Solomon and North Bay Labor Council director Lisa Maldonado co-chaired a public hearing on how to fashion a Green New Deal for the North Bay.

Norman has described the initiative in a series of related articles, including this recent one on truthout.  The short version is that the commission (I’m on it) is trying to integrate the labor and environmental agendas in Marin and Sonoma Counties.

Harvey Smith kicked off last night’s hearing by discussing the connection between  California’s Living New Deal Project and the commission’s mission.  Then we heard a great deal from local residents, small business people, and activists about a range of issues, especially the need to review Marin County’s approach to  waste, recycling, and water treatment.

We’ll hold seven more public hearings over the next month. In the fall, we’ll take testimony from experts on water, housing, transportation, agriculture, and other areas. Then we’ll write a report and launch a public dialogue on the findings.

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